
摘  要





In recent years, the development of the Internet industry has brought many people convenience in life. The Internet can change the mode of people's life and work. Many enterprises are combining the common working mode with the Internet and using the advantages of the Internet to improve the work efficiency of administrators. At present, there are many problems in many cosmetics websites. Therefore, according to the characteristics of the cosmetics industry, a cosmetics website can be designed to improve the work efficiency of administrators. If the computer network is combined with the information management system, it can improve the efficiency of administrator management and improve the quality of service. Excellent cosmetics websites can more effectively manage the business norms of cosmetics sales, help managers more effectively manage cosmetics sales, and help improve and overcome the adverse factors such as errors caused by manual management. Therefore, an excellent cosmetics website can play a great role.

The front-end technology used in this system is HTML and CSS, and the development tool chooses Dreamweave. Before realizing the cosmetics website, we need to investigate the basic functions of the cosmetics website and design the overall architecture of the system. Then the program developer can code to realize the cosmetics website. Finally, we need to test the cosmetics website with test cases. After the test, we need to optimize the system according to the selection, The functions of the cosmetics website realized by this code include: viewing cosmetics, purchasing cosmetics, shopping cart management, personal data modification, receiving address management, my message and login.



摘  要


1 绪论

1.1 课题背景

1.2 研究意义

1.3 课题研究现状

1.4 主要内容

1.5 论文结构


2.1 Jquery技术概述

2.2 UML语言

2.3 JavaScript技术

2.4 B/S架构

2.5 HTML5发展史

3 需求分析

3.1 功能需求

3.2 可行性分析

3.3 非功能需求

3.4 性能需求

4 总体设计

4.1 系统架构设计

4.2 设计目标

4.3 功能需求

5 系统实现

5.1 登录

5.2 收货地址管理

5.3 留言管理

5.4 购物车管理

5.5 个人资料

5.6 化妆品展示

5.7 化妆品详细信息

6 系统测试

6.1 测试目的

6.2 测试方法

6.3 测试概述

6.3 测试用例

6.4 系统测试的意义

7 总结与展望

7.1 工作总结

7.2 展望


致 谢






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