




At present, the scale of domestic video industry is increasing year by year, online video and comments are gradually increasing, and the pressure of video industry management is increasing day by day. At present, there are still many video industries that use traditional manual and stand-alone management methods. The management data generated are mainly paper or single electronic documents. The amount of various management data is huge and the management efficiency is low. At present, the video industry is still at the above stage. It can be seen that the development of an online video website system is urgent to effectively improve the data processing efficiency and the level of the video industry. The system is based on B / S mode and selects the popular JSP + MySQL database. The system mainly has the role of administrator, which realizes the necessary functions such as user login, registration, administrator management, user registration, online video, comments, news information, online message management, combined query of video industry information and so on. After the completion of the online video website system, it has the advantages of simple operation and smooth operation. It can meet the needs of online video viewing and effectively improve the efficiency of online video viewing.

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