电脑软件开发工具有哪些_数据分析师资格证书怎么考_北京十大咨询公司排名_免费网络推广项目 功能需求">





There are mainly two type enterprise e-commerce sites: static websites and dynamic websites. Dynamic Website allows that the administrators can browse the contents of the input to modify the site, guests can also use it interactively query the contents of the browser you want to, and meet the database operations, to achieve very strong function, real-time new, updated content, it is rapidly developed following the Internet technology in recent years, it is similar with a static Web site, the client is a standard browser, server-side is a Web Server, the Web Server is close combine with the database and application server, making this model expanding the application scope, its main advantage is to facilitate the expansion of applications, upgrade maintenance easy. In addition, the website will also continue to be renewed at the same time as the site itself, which is a process of continuous self-improvement. Based on the above considerations, the server-side adopt the Access database systems and ASP components to constitute the site's Application Service System.

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